- Numeric type: Int, Double (and Byte, Short, Char, Long, Float)
- Boolean type: with the values true and false
- String type
- Function type: ike Int => Int, (Int, Int) => Int
- Identifier: such as x, isGoodEnough
- Literal: like 0, 1.0, ”abc”
- Function application: like sqrt(x)
- Operator application: like -x, y + x
- Selection: like math.abs
- Conditional expression: like if (x < 0) -x else x
- Block: like { val x = math.abs(y) ; x * 2 }
- Anonymous function: like x => x + 1
- Function definition: like def square(x: Int) = x * x
- Value definition: like val y = square(2)
- Call-by-value parameter, like (x: Int): is computed before calling the function
- Call-by-name parameter, like (y: => Double): is recomputed every time it is accessed