Tutorial for build TypeScript & AngularJs with Gulp

Today I will try to introduce the way to build a web client using TypeScript & AngularJs in Gulp

What is Gulp?

Gulp is a tool that bases on NodeJs (https://nodejs.org/en/). Tools like Gulp are often referred to as “build tools” because they are tools for running the tasks for building a website. The two most popular build tools out there right now are Gulp and Grunt


In this article, we will build a web client using Gulp. Web client will connect to server through Proxy. Server-side build on Scala & play framework but we don’t talk in this tutorial.

Installing Gulp

When you’ve done with installing NodeJs, you can install Gulp by using the following command on the command line:

$ sudo npm install gulp -g

The npm install command we’ve used here is a command that uses Node Package Manager (npm) to install Gulp onto your computer.

The -g flag in this command tells npm to install Gulp globally onto your computer, which allows you to use the gulp command anywhere on your system.

Mac users need the extra sudo keyword in the command because they need administrator rights to install Gulp globally.

Now that you have Gulp installed, let’s make a project that uses Gulp.

Creating a Gulp Project

Firstly create a Project folder: mkdir your_project_name

$ mkdir gulp_typescript_angularjs

Go to the project folder and start to settings now

Run npm init in project folder:

$ npm init

  "name": "gulp_typescript_angularjs",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Tutorial for typescript & angularjs with Gulp",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "ThucNd",
  "license": "ISC"

Is this ok? (yes)

You can see a new package.json file for your project which stores information about the project, like the dependencies used in the project

we can install a Gulp into the project by using the following command:

$ npm install gulp --save-dev

we’ve added –save-dev which tells the computer to add gulp as a dev dependency in

 "name": "gulp_typescript_angularjs",
 "version": "1.0.0",
 "description": "Tutorial for typescript & angularjs with Gulp",
 "main": "index.js",
 "scripts": {
 "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
 "author": "ThucNd",
 "license": "ISC",
 "devDependencies": {
 "gulp": "^3.9.0"

if you check the project folder, you should see that Gulp has created a node_modules. You also see a Gulp folder within node_modules

Determining folder structure 

Gulp is flexible enough to work with any folder structure. You should understand how it working before tweaking it for your project.

For this article, I will use following the structure:

we will use app folder for development purposes. All source code will be placed in the app folder.

You can also install external libraries by using bower. It will be placed in the app too. we will talk it in next steps.

Now let’s begin by creating your first Gulp task

Writing Gulp Task

The first step to using Gulp is to require it in the gulpfile.

var gulp = require('gulp');

we tells Node to use Gulp module. We assign its contents to variables  gulp

we can now begin to write a gulp task with gulp variable. The basic syntax of a Gulp task is:

gulp.task('task-name', function() { // Stuff here });

task-name refers to the name of tasks, which would be used whenever you want to run your Gulp task

To test it out, we can try to make a “hello-task” that says “hello world”

gulp.task('hello-task', function(){
  console.log('hello world');

we can run this task with gulp hello-task on the command line:

$ gulp hello-task

The command line will return a log that says hello world:

[14:00:11] Using gulpfile ~/typescript/gulp_typescript_angularjs/gulpfile.js
[14:00:11] Starting 'hello-task'...
hello world
[14:00:11] Finished 'hello-task' after 105 μs

Scripts task

Before configuring Scripts task, we need to install modules by running command line

$ npm install gulp-uglify gulp-rename --save-dev

gulp-uglify – minify files

gulp-rename – rename file

you can see 2 new dependencies in package.json and these modules in a node_modules folder

We assign its contents to variables

uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
rename = require('gulp-rename')
Add a new Scripts task in gulpfile.js
gulp.task('scripts', function () {
  // Source js
  gulp.src(['app/scripts/**/*.js', '!app/scripts/**/*.min.js'])
  // rename all file to .min
  .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
  // compile all file

gulp.src – Source path of javascript. /**/*.js – all files have type .js in any folders in app/scripts folder. we can use ! to ignore all files with type .min.js

pipe(rename({suffix: ‘.min’})) – call rename function to change all file name to filename.min.js

pipe(uglify()) – call uglify() function to minify all files

gulp.dest – Destination path of javascript.

You can see results by running command line

$ gulp scripts

In scripts folder, we can see new .min.js files which minified

Build task

Above task, we’re talking about the way to minify javascript files. But we won’t use javascript directly. In the tutorial, we write typescript instead of javascript as flow below

typescript -> angularjs -> minify

we need to install 2 more modules by running command line

$ npm install gulp-typescript-angular gulp-typescript --save-dev

gulp-typescript – A typescript compiler

gulp-typescript-angular – class-based development in AngularJS with TypeScrip

We can assign its in gulpfile.js

typescriptAngular = require('gulp-typescript-angular')
 typescript = require('gulp-typescript')

Add new a build task

gulp.task('build', function () {
  return gulp.src('app/scripts/**/*.ts')
  decoratorModuleName: 'web'

pipe(typescript()) – call typescript() function to compile

pipe(typescriptAngular()) – call typescriptAnguar() function to convert typescript to anguarjs

you can see results by running command line

$ gulp build

In scripts folder, you can see both .ts files and angularjs files

HTML task

Add new a HTML task to tell Node about HTML source

gulp.task('html', function () {


$ gulp html

Default task

To make things consistent, we can also build the same sequence with the first group. Let’s use default as the task name this time:

gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'html', 'build']);


$ gulp

You can see Scripts, HTML and build task will run into Gulp command. We don’t need to run command for each time

Watch task

Watching these changes. This is very useful. At the moment, we’re needing to run command line for each time of tasks. The good news is that Gulp can watch for changes and automatically run the tasks.

Add a watch task:

gulp.task('watch', function () {
  gulp.watch('app/scripts/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
  gulp.watch('app/scripts/**/*.ts', ['build']);
  gulp.watch('app/**/*.html', ['html']);

Update Default task

gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'html', 'build', 'watch']);

This time when you run gulp it will keep running and watch for changes in the scripts/j, HTML folders and run the scripts and HTML tasks when a change is detected in their respective folder.

Browser-sync Tasks

Browser Sync helps make web development easier by spinning up a web server that helps us do live-reloading easily

we’ll first have to install Browser sync

$ npm install browser-sync http-proxy-middleware --save-dev

browser-sync – Live CSS Reload & Browser Syncing

http-proxy-middleware – proxy middleware for connecting, express and browser-sync

Assign it’s in gulpfile.js 

browserSync = require('browser-sync')
 reload = browserSync.reload

Add a new browser-sync

gulp.task('browser-sync', function () {
  // Connect to Proxy server
  var context = ['/api'];
  var options = {
  target: '


  changeOrigin: true,
  ws: true,
  pathRewrite: {
  '^/api' : '/'
  var proxy = proxyMiddleware(context, options);
  server: {
  baseDir: "./app/",
  middleware: [proxy]

we’ll connect to server side through Proxy.

context = [‘api’]  URL with “/api”

target: Address of proxy server

BaseDir: Our source path. You should create an index.html file as main running

pathRewrite: replace ‘/api’ to ‘/’. When client call Ajax with Url: ‘api/accounts/’ then it’ll connect to server and call URL:  ‘http://localhost:9000/accounts’

Update default task

gulp.task('default', ['scripts', 'html', 'browser-sync', 'build', 'watch']);


$ gulp

Gulp run and automatic open your browser and it’ll access to an index.html file which put in the app folder

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About the Author: Nguyen Dinh Thuc

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